Thursday, April 07, 2005

You Have The Power!

Well someone certainly took me up on making comments anonymously. It was a harsh one, but that is fine- in fact that was the whole point of enabling people to make comments anonymously. I look forward to more of em- whether they be nice, mean, pretty, ugly, sexy, G-d forsakingly hideous, well-digested, gaseous, bizarre, fruitful, smelly (jessica), nifty, nerdy, lazy, witty, wily, backhanded or schwaaaa~~~-like.

OK no it's time for a lil bit o' fun.
As one who is hopeful I tend to dream every once in a while. But while I'm also a realist (a hopeful realist? Well that's as binarilly opposed as a chussid on UPN.... I smell a sitcom!!), these day dreams quite often have to fall within some realm of logic. One of my favorite scenarios is G-d offering me a choice of any super power. Now this is tough. First of all I wouldn't want to fly. Thats what plains are for. And theres a good chance I could be shot down by duck hunters in some areas.
Super strength is kind of appealing, but I think that might get me into trouble- plus I do go to the gym.
X-ray vision: I'm not 16 anymore.
Super speed: Well it would save me a lot of time, but I'm afraid of going too fast and not see cars coming, and then get squashed.
Invulnerability: This is very intriguing, but isn't a whole lot of fun. Although I do recommend the movie Unbreakable- which shows that invulnerability isn't a walk in the park.
Ice breath: I'd be nervous about what would happen when I sneeze.
Telekinesis (moving things with my mine): I always liked this one (I could have fun AND help a lot of people) but it was ruined by Scott Baio (that was a Zapped reference which exactly 0 of you got).

I suppose there's more but the two I always go between are telepathy and time travel. The latter would be great because I could experience everything that ever happened , and go back and stop myself from making stupid mistakes- and if doing that lead to worse mistakes then I'd just stop myself from going back and stop myself from stopping myself from the original mistake (got it?). I could also help a lot of people and prevent tragedy from occurring.....and of course win the lottery whenever I wanted.
Telepathy would pretty much make the most powerful person in the world, but I wouldn't abuse this power. To read and control people's minds could be frickin hilarious though. Picture this: Osama Bin Laden holds a special Al- Jazeera press conference, and comes dressed in stylishly pink 19th century gown and carrying a parasol. He then breaks into riveting versions of "I Could Have Danced All Night" followed by "I Feel Pretty" and finally trades in the parasol for some moraccas and breaks into "La Coockaracha". He is then repeatedly kicked in the crotch and is finally eaten alive by starving lions, bears, and Star Jones (feel free to come up with your own scenario).
Also telepathy would be cool cause no one could lie to me anymore.

What superpower would you pick? (remember you can only have one)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

my superpower would be to teach you how to spell homonyms correctly

Thursday, April 07, 2005  
Blogger Hopefool said...

THAT WOULD BE YOUR SUPER POWER!!!??? I mean I know you're a nerd and all, but I didn't know you were such a pathetic loser! If I were you I'd want the ability to be transparent so I wouldn't have to worry about walking into walls/trees/horses/lamp posts/fat men eating lunch/.

Thursday, April 07, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, you two.

Get a room!

Thursday, April 07, 2005  
Blogger Anonymous said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

Thursday, April 07, 2005  
Blogger Hopefool said...

That anonymous commeny was brought to you by "The Instigator" Becker

Thursday, April 07, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think it would be fun to be like Mystique and morph into other people.

Friday, April 08, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't think I would want a super power, hat ruins the fun of life. If you could stop things from happening, life would start to become meaningless. You would not appreciate the things you had, you could not appreciate G-d because He no longer posseses all power and knowledge. Super powers also take away the element of surprise and while we all wish at one time or another to know the future..when will I get a job, who will I marry... (just for example of course) life would suck without that surprise. Happiness and sorrow wouldn't exist and those feelings make us human. Those feelings let us know that we are alive. Sorry for getting all philisophical but I was in the mood. Enjoy!

Friday, April 08, 2005  
Blogger Hopefool said...

Yes but think of all the good you could accomplish with a superpower. And to refute you a little more: G-d actually did offer Shlomoh Hamelech a wish, and he chose Chachmas (wisdom), and look at all that he did! Plus he sure did have a couple of surpises come his way no? So there!!

Sunday, April 10, 2005  

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