Monday, April 04, 2005

Next Year Begins

My weekend was pretty ordinary. Went to John, went to the nursing home (Brooklyn, not Queens) and wrote my column- which is being pushed off until next week (grrr!). I did however, see Sin City which I highly enjoyed. I know EW was less than impressed with the film, but I thought the visual was not only infectious, but perfectly personified the atmosphere of the setting and grim aura of the characters. The narration might seem a tad hokey at times, but one must not forget that this is noir (even if its based on comic book), and so such narration is almost essential (see Sunset Boulevard or Out of the Past to see what I mean). The story does weave its way back and forth, with characters coming and going, but it does all make sense, and is quite entertaining (especially if you love violence). This is the first time I've liked Colin Clive in a film (not that he wasn't great in Closer), and Micky Rourke gave his best performance since Diner. All in all I give this film an 8.5 out of 10.
But let's get to more important matters. Today the Mets season begins. Today is next year. And whether they win or lose (they're currently tied in the third), today the magic begins. And I'm telling you there will be magic at Shea this year, and I hope/invite you all to come to a game and see for yourself. These are the new Mets, and they are fast, they are strong and they are determined. Not a believer yet? Well to quote Yoda, "You will be. You will be."
A cute little boy who I never met beofre once went up to me and for no good reason (other than the fact that a friend at the time thougt it was funny) said, "The Mets lose" (though he pronounced it more like "loooos"). Not this year kid. This year the Mets win.

While you all know why I called myself The hopeful Fool, I think it fits quite well here. I am hopeful, and those pessimists out there no doubt think I'm a fool for believing that the Mets will in fact make the playoffs this year. But whether it's about the Mets or that "other thing", I just have three words for ya: Ya Gotta Believe. I can't see the future (yet), but trust me, one way or another- whether it's about The Mets, the other thing, or something else, my believin' will pay off.


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