Thursday, March 24, 2005

Dont Stop Believin'

It seems that most of my readers are of the non-y-chromosome gender, and thus, for the most part, not interested in Baseball. So today I will address an issue that has been getting the most "off-blog" attention, namely, why I am called "The Hopeful Fool". Without getting too deep in specifics, I have recently made a very nutty, very difficult, and quite possibly, very foolish decision. This decision is one based on hope, and certainly not on logic. I think logic said arriverdici quite some time ago. But hope isn't always meant to be logical. It isn't meant to be statistically accurate, or percentage friendly. Hope is saying that even though the odds are
100-1, I still have to go after that 1, because at the end of the day I don't only feel it's worth it, I know that I couldn't live with myself if I quit, knowing in my heart it could have been the wrong decision. I've quit in the past and I regretted, "not gonna do it" again. There's going to be 99 ways I can fail, and thus it would be logical not to even try, but then I wouldn't be "The Hopeful Fool" now would I? Perhaps I've just seen The Shawshank Redemption too many times, and have succumbed to The King's ever-inspiring tale of the unwavering hope that the human spirit can produce. Too shmaltzy ? Maybe, but it's still motivating. I'm expecting the worst and doingwhat I can to prepare for it, but "Hope springs eternal", and I won't get in its way. So until I say otherwise, this is my decision. Now who's with me?!

LATER-The overall feedback by those who I've told this decision to has been mixed. Some have been supportive and inspiring- and I thank you for believin'. Others think I'm crazy (although that's nothing new is it?) and say to just move on- and I thank you for your honesty. I should point out that while I won't be actively looking for alternatives I can't stop things from happening. Whatever will be, will be (Yes, I actually just said- for those of you who know me well). If something comes up and it works, then great, B"H. But I'm not holding my breath. In the meantime I'm darn hungry ("Why do they call them Fast Days when they move so slow?!"- about as funny as Chris Rock hosting the Oscars), and have a three hour drive to The Deis now to celebrate the Purim-Festival with some great friends- new and old. Hope you all have a joyous, holy holiday, and remember that tonight's not an excuse to get drunk (that's what Tuesday's are for), but a reason to celebrate the near extermination and subsequent savior of Am Yisroel. See you in Yerushalayim a.s.a.p.


Blogger Anonymous said...

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Thursday, March 24, 2005  
Blogger Hopefool said...

3 Months later- Turns out you were right. But it turns out i needed to get a little more "Fool" out of my system first. B"H things are OK, and I can only look back at this post and be inspired to not revert, and be proud that I did not in fact quit, and managed to grow as a result.

Wednesday, June 15, 2005  

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