Friday, April 01, 2005

The Hopefool's April Fools

Ahhh April Fool’s. While I don’t celebrate Thanksgiving, Valentine’s Day, Father’s Day or Flag Day, this is one day that I not only feel obligated to partake in, but also ideologically believe in . It is the one day a year when I let loose the practical joker that lies dormant with in me. This year it proved to be therapeutic as well. I woke up feeling down this morning (as I have been of late in the AM) and when I got to work my wonderful secretary Jess reminded me what today was. I felt refreshed suddenly, like one of those people coming out og The Halls of Medicine. We quickly sprang into action pranking as many people as possible (all of which totally fell for our gags with the exception of the psychologically gifted Rebecca Hanus- Kudos Bex!). Time is short so I’ll mention the pranks briefly but first say a huge BLEE EYEN HARA, , and you’ll see why.

We convinced the ever-sexy Kugellehhhh and vocally talented Dovviiiiiiii that they would be unable to come on the trip this summer- that may not sound so funny to you- but they were both devastated- which was funny for us.
We told our boss that there was a sudden 10% drop in enrollment- he needed to sit down.
We convinced Straussy that Jess was gay (which he seemed excitedly surprised about- or maybe it was the other way around).
Becker completely bought that I got drunk last night, went over to Jess’s, had my way with her, and was beyond guilty this morning (we considered doing that to Jess’s boyfriend but thought it probably was a bit mean, so we just pretended that she got fired.)
My new friend Kim was devastated to find out her little sister was on drugs (which of course she isn't- at least not that we know of).
My buddy Captain M. Wolgin was shocked to hear that I would be moving to Israel for a year cause I couldn't cope with life in Queens (this one had a believably scary undertone and was probably the least funny- but still humorous nontheless).
And finally Berezin was shocked to find out that I had recently impregnated a women, and though it’s really not funny his remark of “dude, do you realize you’re having a bastard” brought me to laughter and the gag ended prematurely (Again with the Blee Eyen Hara). He was actually kind of dissapointed because if it was true I would never be able to give him musser again, not that I really do that now- what say you Bere?
Now I’m not proud of all my actions today and know that some were quite childish, but I was depressed and it put me in a good one, so poo-poo to you. Plus it was my "duty" (haha- great Friends moment) on this most underrated holiday. Have a happy and a holy one! (Shabbos, not April Fools.)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dude you frickin got me. But I got all year to plan something for you-oh and the Mets suck.

Sunday, April 03, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yeah, i still beleive you. You say you were joking- that it was a practicl joke. Well i learnt my lesson- i know you are lying. You had your way with her, didnt you, you little cat. Working in the same office for four months gotta prodice somethin. I still believe you...

Sunday, April 03, 2005  
Blogger Anonymous said...

I'm glad I wasn't in your presence on that day. I'm quite a gullible one.

Sunday, April 03, 2005  
Blogger Anonymous said...

I guess that was the day when you were really acting like a Foolish Dope, instead of a Hopefull Fool!

(Sorry, I couldn't resist putting this in.. You blogged that you were forgiving, so please forgive me...;))

Monday, April 04, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

im always glad to be part of playing practical jokes on hopeless fools- heres to next year being even better than this year! (and no becker, 4 months of working together hasnt produced a baby, so i dont think a lifelong friendship will do it either)

Monday, April 04, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

so I don't know if I shuld be happy that I wasn't pranked or left out... either way, glad you had a great day on friday!

Wednesday, April 06, 2005  
Blogger Hopefool said...

Fortunately for you K, you were in classduring all the pranking. But your name did come up, if that makes you feel a lil better.

Sunday, April 10, 2005  

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