Tuesday, March 29, 2005

The History of "The Schwaaaaaa~~~~~"

There has been a good deal of oral feedback on this strange word/entity/life-force known as "The Schwaaaa~~~~". I understand that some of you are quite perplexed by this bizarre word followed by those waving tilda's. So allow me to explain its origin.
The Schwaaa~~~ dates back to Twentieth Century Long Island. During those strange, immature, and always confusing teen years of mine, there was a great deal of original expressionism going on, and The Schwaaa~~~~ was, perhaps, the greatest invention of this era. And here's the brief story behind its inception:
One of my life long good friends (we'll call him Shuey to protect his secret identity) started making an interesting hand gesture at jovial moments. This gesticulation (thanks, Ms. Webster) was a symbolic movement that meant to say "cool" or "ahaaaa very nice". I must say that I was somewhat enthralled by Shuey's new form of palm motion. Yet something was missing to it. It didn't have enough grace or charm. It didn't flow as I thought it should. It needed to be more seductive. I then altered the movement. Rather than the hand moving back and forth like a fish wading through water, it would now make a snake-like slither, coiling in a repetitious manner that made it look like it was moving both forward and backwards at once. Now it had grace. It had charm. It had pizazz, and it most certainly flowed.What made it even better was that many people couldn't achieve the proper motion. They didn't have the flow to it. Their hands simply moved back and worth, while mine, and a few skilled others seductively slithered. I knew I was on to something monumental at this point. But something was missing; it needed a name.
I don't know if it was Divine Inspiration, an epiphany, or raging teenage hormones combined with a former penchant for gibberish, but it suddenly hit me : "SCHWAAAA~~~~". And being that at that point in time I was known as "The Bone", I felt that a "The" would be most fitting, and thus "The Schwaaa~~~" was born. It became a being entirely of itself, working its way through me, rather than me controlling it. It stood as a symble of grace, gratiousness, cool, kindness, charm, and excellency. It was a talisman of positive energy and prosperity. It embodied itself in Shea Stadium the day Robin Ventura his his "Grand Single". It was there during during the creation of the Purim Video's Mentos Commercials. It was The Schwaaa~~~.
It prevailed for some time (and even had a counter-movement known as "Vooshay") - especially during the summer of 2001- and then dissapeared unexplainably. But over the last several months, as I've been moving on from a most serious series of unfortunate, heartbreaking events, The Schwaaa~~~ has found its way back to me, like a P.O.W. returning home. It knew I was down and that I needed something to help bring me up. So now it's back full force (and I've felt traces of Vooshay whispering in the distance), and is certainly a prevailing, and welcomed intrusion into my (now) waning depression. Feel free to post any questions you may have concerning The Schwaaa~~~~. I'd be happy to show you how it's done if you'd like. It is a positive addiction and can bring you up when the blackness seems to be enclosing. Its light will shine bright, and lead you to serenity.
Long live The Schwaaaaa~~~~~!


Blogger Anonymous said...

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Tuesday, March 29, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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Tuesday, March 29, 2005  
Blogger Hopefool said...

Shevy, The Schwaaaaa~~~~ is open to all (providing it is not abused- excessive Schwaaa~~~ness can diminish its power). Feel free to use it or express it when you deem it neccicary.

As a general rule there must be a minimum of three ~~~ following The Schwaaaa. Feel free to put as many as you like though after that.

I would be happy to demonstrate The Schwaaa for you next time I see ya.

Tuesday, March 29, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yes you could be weirder. just have the ripper read this and it will bring out the deepest darkest weirdness within you.

Tuesday, March 29, 2005  
Blogger Hopefool said...

I'd like to point out that the correct spelling of the word is necessary.

Tuesday, March 29, 2005  
Blogger Hopefool said...

Shira, you obviously werent reading so carefully. The Schwaaa~~~~ is more than just a word, dont you see that?!

Tuesday, March 29, 2005  
Blogger Annalizbeth said...

I don't know who you are, but i was looking up the word schwaaaa because of a recent trip to italy and greece i took with some classmates... feel free to read my essay about the word http://www.facebook.com/notes/anna-elizabeth-stanley/schwaaaaaaa-an-independent-write/10150298147306842

Friday, August 26, 2011  

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