Thursday, March 31, 2005

I Finally Talk About A Movie and The Amazing

OK now, lots going on it seems. First off, I think I'm just going to "make up" some negative turn for the script , so hopefully that will keep going. Secondly I saw "The Ring 2" last night (amazingly it's the first movie I've seen at home in 3 months) and it stunk worse than Jersey. It seemed to disregard many of the aspects that made the first one so scary, and interesting. Even the incredibly talented, remarkably beautiful Naomi Watts (one of the few blondes in this world I find attractive) can't save this film from its eventual fate of being mentioned in the same breath as "The exorcist II: The Heretic","Book of Shadows: Blair Witch II" and the one we love to hate: "I Still Know What You Did Last Summer". The plot was full holes (like my teeth in 3rd grade when I ruitinely mixed soda and pop-rocks) and left me asking many questions. What happened to that copy of the tape they made at the end of Ring 1, and who did they show it to? What happens once the police eventually find that dude in the car (don't worry I'm not giving anything away - and if you think I am, then I'm doing you a favor...unless you like crap, in which case I apologize). What happens once the producers decide to make a third film and have to erase the plot points of this one? What happened to my $9 (ok $4.50- thank you wacky Wednesday!). Overall a bad time at the movies.
To make matters worse I passed by The Amazing on the way back from the movies. She was just sitting in her car with a friend, but seeing her was like walking down the street while whistling and having a hippopotamus land on you. And this isn't the first time I've either ran into T.A. or seen her car parked somewhere. In fact, this happens on average of once a week! Each time I'm generally doing OK with things, getting by, keeping myself busy- then BAM! the hippopotamus. And here's the crazy thing: I'm not looking for her, she's just there (Right K?). I mean, I never run into any of my friends who live in the neighborhood, so why do I continuously see her? Is Hashem trying to test me? Is he punishing me? Is it just really bad luck/timing? Whatever it may be it has to stop. While I am still The Hopefool Fool and haven't given up, I do think it's best not to think about things right now, and seeing her doesn't really help that matter. I will make the occasional effort of course, but right now I have to let things play out. It's important to be in a clear, strong state-of-mind when I do make those efforts, and not let emotion get too much in the way, and seeing her definitely brings up emotion- if only briefly.
I'm sure you're all saying, "So just move if it's so bad". Problem is, where? Brooklyn is just as bad in terms of the possible run-in, plus its Brooklyn (ewwwwwww!). The City isn't only a bit too expensive for me, but it's not somewhere I want to live. I was thinking of Moncey but I have only family there, no friends. The thing is, I like living in Queens right now, and with "NEXT YEAR" for the boys at Shea bout to start, I'll be at 2-3 Mets games a week, which would be quite difficult living anywhere else. So it seems like I'm trapped until the summer. Hopefully by the time I get back I'll be cured. But I am open to suggestions.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

does T.A. stand for what i think it stands for?

Thursday, March 31, 2005  
Blogger Hopefool said...

OK There's seems to be a lot of confusion as to what T.A. stands for. It seemed pretty obvious to me that it's for The Amazing but evidently there are those of you with dirty minds (Jessica you are so fired!), and others that thought I was being phoenetically suggestive. T.A. is The Amazing, nothing more.

Thursday, March 31, 2005  
Blogger The Fades said...

move to philly. You wont see anyone there...its worked for me somewhat.

Thursday, March 31, 2005  
Blogger Hopefool said...

Sorry Shevy, but many places in Jersey do smell, not all of course, but enough for me to make that comment. And my sister and Rav live in Monsey, and I like that theres land. Brooklyn is just depressing. Everything's so confined and there's hardly any trees. I need some nature. But the Professor's response does hold a lot of truth to it- I'm just not sure I'm strong enough yet. But here's hoping.

Friday, April 01, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You go to the store to pick up carrots. She is there. So maybe you go to a movie to cool your mind off. She is there. Oh, but stay busy! You go to the library to broaden your mind. She is there. Let's get pizza at the professor. She is there. Everywhere you go, she is there. If she does not gain ALOT of weight real soon, Hopeful Fool will go mad. There is only one solution. T.A. must be killed.

Sunday, April 03, 2005  

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