Wednesday, March 30, 2005

The Name's Jones. Forgetful Jones.

I have to make this incredibly quick as I have quite a lot of work to do today (including a trip to JFK) . I am pleased to say that I am up to page 29 off my new script. Thank G-d its been moving far. While it is a work of fiction, I am taking a great deal from my own life experiences, particularly past relationships. I am at the point in the story where the two love-birds' courtship goes sour, and am having a hard time remembering the negative aspects of my past relationships. As I am (more or less) single these days I should clearly have plenty of negative memories to use, and yet I'm drawing blanks. I keep thinking about the good stuff, but in order for the story to work there needs to be a downfall. Oh I remember a couple of the Whoppers that really hurt , but those are either way too personal, complicated or just not applicable. I know I've gotten into several fights, and made up several times as well. I just can't seem to remember what those fights were about. I'm drawing complete blanks. Is this because I'm a very forgiving person (which I believe I am) or is because I simply want to block out the negative and only focus on the "good times" ? I'm really not sure, and I now open this matter to discussion as I have to get back to work. More later in the comments....providing there are comments to comment on.


Blogger Hopefool said...

That's outstanding advice/way of of thinking... except when your writing a screenplay that needs a plot turn. Maybe I'll just make it up rather than try to drudge it up (less chance of getting sued too :)

Wednesday, March 30, 2005  
Blogger Hopefool said...

The Mets are have Schwaaa~~~~ and energy. The Yanks have a salary that could feed probably feed all of Africa for a year, and bunch of players soon to be labled has beens. But we'll have plenty of time to mock each other once the season starts and the Mets continue there pre-season success, and the Sox show the Yanks how to lose again.

Wednesday, March 30, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You better believe it! Go RED SOX!!

Thursday, March 31, 2005  

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