Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Another Amazing On The List

As I've already established there are two Amazing's that I will be discussing from time to time on this blog. First there are The Amazin's at Shea (which didn't play last night), and second is The Amazing a.k.a. T.A. (nothing to report there either, but I'm doing OK for all you who are interested). Now there's a third Amazing; that of the Race variety.
I don't watch much prime time TV (late nights I'll watch the occasional Friends or Seinfeld, and make the effort to see the first 20 minutes of Kimmel), in fact I now only watch one show between 8 and 11 pm: The Amazing Race. I'm not going to say that this is the best show on TV (my nephew swears by 24, while I hear that these housewives who are desperate are good as well, and Lost seems intriguing too), but for me it's the most entertaining. Survivor has gotten a bit dull and untzniusdik, and while Curb and Sopranos are outstanding, they're hardly on. American Idol is really only fun for the first two weeks, then gets redundant (but here's hoping Constantine wins anyway). So now it's all about "The Race".
I would do this show in a heartbeat if there weren't so many halachic issues. I feel the travel combined with the bonding experience is what appeals to me on this program (I think anyone who gets to see the world to such an extent is incredibly lucky). Another plus is that it has Rob and Amber from Survivor who actually fight the least of all the couples (Maybe they are bashert- but we'll talk about that another time). I wonder how I would do partnering up with someone for such an intense, stressful competition. It's really the ultimate midot test if you ask me. I hope I'd do well, but I'm a fool when it comes to hope (haha), and I doubt I'll ever get the chance...but I will hope nontheless.

In cinematic news I purchased a copy of Alien vs. Predator. Don't mock (or judge :) me. There happens to be a great deal of depth to this film. One can truly discover many of the secrets of the universe, and attain a high level of nirvana (or Khef for you Dark Tower junkies) by seeing an Alien battle a Predator. It is poetry in motion. A fusion of the inner waves of exuberance with The Schwaaaa~~~~. In fact, watching these two sci-fi titans square off has inspired me religiously and intellectually. I am a better person as a result of this film. Watch the movie for yourself and see.

On a less serious note: You can post comments anonymously or under a made up name if you want (I programmed the site to allow such crazy behavior). So rather than call or IM me your feedback post it for all to enjoy and respond to.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

ppl are calling you to give you feedback? that is not cool! you should implement a rule that you will not listen to feedback unless it is on your blog. When ppl try to tell you stuff, your hands should go up like "no no shh! type it and i'll read it later." Also, enough about T.A. I hardly think she is worthy of being on your blog, the way she acts towards another human being. I would think you must agree.

Wednesday, April 06, 2005  
Blogger Hopefool said...

Well when I talk to my friends they make a comment on the blog- but they dont davka call for that (at least I don't think). And go easy on The Amazing, I'm sure theres a lot you dont know and im not sure what you mean by "the way she acts towards another human being". But hey- thanks for commenting.

Wednesday, April 06, 2005  
Blogger Hopefool said...

No Amber and Rob r the best. And I've made a couple of great typos (most notably typing "please take my shit to the cleaners" when i meant 'shirt', but I guess having the former cleaned kinda makes sense), but Shira, the brothers getting "kiked off" The Amazing Race- gold!

Thursday, April 07, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OK I'm qouting anonymously, happy?

Sunday, May 29, 2005  

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