Sunday, April 10, 2005

Movin' On

Hope your weekends are all going well. Mine has been somewhat upsetting. It's been brought to my attention that T.A. has a new boyfriend (don't really know who he is or much about him). I can't really say that I'm suprised in the slightest; girls like T.A.don't stay single very long. While I want her to be happy and hope that she is, I still can't help but feel saddened by this- but I suppose that's only natural. I guess now I will really have to move on, and as hard as it will be, I will do my best to 'put her in my past. Being called "The Hopeful Fool" also seems somewhat odd. I guess I can still be hopeful about lots of things, but do I need to be a fool? The fool part was really my way of saying that "OK, I know it'll probably never happen, but I'll still dream"= foolish (at least retrospectively). I could take the manic-depressive rout and say that I'll never find anyone else again, and while I'll hope, its just a fools hope. But I don't think I want to go down that road. I could hope that the Mets will finally win a game, but I'm sure that'll happen- in fact I think they'll win a whole lot this season. So now I'm not really sure what to do. Where so we go from here? Do I remain "The Hopeful Fool? And if so what am I foolishly hopeful about? Or do I change the name of this blog to something else, but still basically write about my life (which is kind of in the sucks-zone right now, but it'll get better.....won't it?). Well I'm open to your suggestions. In the meantime I have to work hard to get through this, and let the past be in my behind- or something like that. Thanks to those of you who were kind enough to listen and give your support throughout my previous, and possible upcoming "woe is me phrase"'s. It's times like these when your friends can keep you balanced/distracted enough to get by, until you wake up one morning and realize you're OK.....either that or I can pray for the "Swingers" ending and meet Heather Graham, fall for her- and she me, and then when T.A. wants me back, I'll be like "Sorry babe, I'm with Heather now".....I guess I found something to be foolishly hopeful for after all :)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think you should keep the name hopefulfool- dont change the name of the blog. Many times in life, we do not really know why we are doing something until after we did it (like going to israel). i think it will be fun (and honestly consistent) to force urself to stay with the name, and see how things play out. YOu may surprise yourself by seeing why it is you choose that name as it actualizes itself through the things you feel. Besides, it just sounds good.
dont change the name everytime something happens to you that kind of falls out of the name's catgeroy- that is cheating! u chose the name, now stick to it!

Sunday, April 10, 2005  
Blogger Anonymous said...

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Sunday, April 10, 2005  
Blogger Hopefool said...

Okily Dokily: 1. Yeah i guess I'll keep the name of the site the same, for all the good reasons Mr/Ms. anonymous said.
2. The only original recipe I have is for Oatmeal-Raison cookies which leads me to...
3. I actually created this outstanding culinary formula with T.A. who I guess I should refer to as "HER" from now on...if I can (she did earn the "Amazing" titel- and we still call presidents "Mr. President" after their term is up)but your right, your right-
"HER" it is until otherwise noted.

Sunday, April 10, 2005  
Blogger Anonymous said...

will cheer you up

Tuesday, April 12, 2005  
Blogger Hopefool said...

That was great Shev!! Thanx so much! I suggest you all click on the link Shevy left whenever you're down.

Tuesday, April 12, 2005  

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