Friday, October 21, 2005

A Few Random Things (including dating stuff, which seems to be the most fun for the readers)

Lots to blog about, but as always there's very little time.
First off I'm kinda pissed at the Yeshiva here. Me and my three roommates were away for the first days of Succos, and right after I left one of the powers that be here decided to let some alumni use our room without asking any of us. So when I got back I found the room unlocked with our stuff moved a run and a bt of a mess (the only thing that appears to be missing is one a sweatshirt). Talk about an invasion of privacy. Not to even ask? I mean I wasn't having a good time here before, and this is just adding to the flame. Thank the Lord I will be away from here for a few days next week, due to the wonderful hospitality of the Amazing Jestifer!

In the world of movies I saw "A History of Violence" this week, which was great (even if those of multiple birth disagree with me :)! David Croenenberg made sure to make it heavily R-rated as only he can: grotesquely classy. The story was just so simple, yet completely engaging. I hadn't seen any previews for this film, which I'm sure would have ruined a lot of it for me. I think seeing the story unfold without knowing much about it elevated my level of joy during the screening. So I won't divulge the plot here for those of you who haven't seen it. I will say that it was Viggo Mortensen's best role since LOTR.

Last night was Bet Shemesh Fest, a musical festival featuring the top names in Jewish Music (except, of course, "EXCEPT SATURDAY" :) In previous years I loved this night. This time around it was still enjoyable, but if everyone over the age of 35, and under the age of 20 suddenly disappeared I'd be the only one there. But Soulfarm was excellent, and the Moshav Band's Yehuda Solomon and his older brother Noah Solomon (lead singer of Soulfarm) had a ska battle before the beginning of "Don't Give Up"- it was spectacular. And C Lanzbom played lead for Moshav, and during "Higher and Higher" unleashed the best guitar solo I've seen since Dave Navaro ran around the stage full speed five years ago at a "Janes Addiction" show (I forget what song, might have been "Been caught Stealing"). So the music made the night enjoyable, even if the demographic didn't.

In the world of dating, nothing to report- some very preliminary stuff, but nothing at all worth mentioning. HOWEVER, there's some interesting news in a good buddy's of mine love life. See back to the "Step it Up Ladies" blog ( were I talk about the guy in the corner. Well to make a long story short, a guy in the corner stepped it up (apparently) , and sadly got shot down. He liked the girl for a while, worked up the guts and took the plunge...Unsuccessfully. But then a short while later the girl changed her mind, and totally wants to go out with the guy!! And get this: now he's not interested! This could be because he met someone else, doesn't want to get hurt, had a change of heart...who knows? Now my friend is really upset cause she genuinely likes the guy (who happens to be a mensch btw, though I don't know him all that well), and can't have him, too late!. She's hoping in time they can work it out and start something up. I for one am proud of the former corner dweller: not only did he go all out, but he actually switched power positions: bravo! Yet at the same time I do think the two would make a cute couple, although I'm SURE there's some issues I'm not completely aware of. Ahhhh the perils of romance....
I'll do my best to keep y'all posted in this area.

Chag Sameach!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The same happened with my friend and well, with me as well. I wanted smoeone for like 3 months and now that she wanted to ask me out, i was completely turned off. Its becuase guys love the chase! Thats it, pure and simple. There is no other reason but some part of the fun is killed when there is no more dramama and she wants you, does that make any sense? Well even if it doesnt, its still how the world works and being as there are a million things that happen that dont make sense, this just gets lost in the shuffle.

Friday, October 21, 2005  
Blogger The Fades said...

i agree with this post completely. Its like this guy was in my head and wrote it. Here's the question: if we love the chase so much, how the hell are we ever gonna settle down. eff.

Sunday, October 23, 2005  
Blogger Hopefool said...

Well that's obvious Fades: you finally succeed in chasing someone you can't live without, thereby destroying any need for further chases. It's like winning the Noble prize. You work really hard to get it and once you do, you're content for the rest of your life (G-D willing).

Sunday, October 23, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

First, I knew you would like A History of Violence, it was creepy and great. And also, congrats on your script!! I need to read it. Besides that, I'm sorry you arent having the best time, but gam zu letovah as they say, it will all make sense in the end. As for dating..I have no idea, I dont have much luck...

Sunday, October 23, 2005  

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