Monday, October 03, 2005

Year End Letter

Dear those who bother to read my site,

I have to admit I'm happy that this year is finally over. All in all I'd have to say that this was a very bad year that had some silver linings. I graduated college- though I don't think that was such a big deal because I did amazingly well, B"H, the 2 years before so I would have had to fail everything not to graduate. I went to Europe and fulfilled a small life goal in doing that, and it was wonderful. And the patronus of silver linings was that I made some great new friends, and got closer with old ones . Without these awesome people I think this past year would have been truly dark.
I don't think there's any need to discuss all the pain and bad memories of 5765, which interestingly enough started with a shattering bang the day after Rosh Hashana (and I davened my heart out too). All I can say is that I certainly learned a lot from my mistakes and experiences. I know I have grown and become stronger in many ways. I guess that's what overcoming pain and frustration does to a person. I'm not sure I'm in a good place right now, or if it's even the right place, but I know it isn't a bad place, and I can't see myself going anywhere but up from here on in.
The past 24 hours have been interesting. I had a strange feeling the last day of the year would end just as dramatically as the beginning started. Huge news: I finished Harry Potter 6 last...kidding. The book was enjoyable and I can't wait for book 7, but it really isn't anything significant in my life overall. What was important was that I finally got to talk to not one, but two rebbeim, and I'm starting to feel a little better, and stronger. I'm certainly not as down. My sister also let me know if an intriguing prospect for when I return, and most interestingly enough I think I may have found a big purpose for me being here: Last night the one guy I've become real friends with here broke up with his girlfriend of 1 year (her doing), and if there's anyone that knows true heartbreak it's yours truly. I feel quite bad for him. I gladly rearranged my whole day to hang out with him, and play some tennis, go for a walk ,and just shmooze. I know how important it is to have your friends and not be alone at times like this (wink wink). I think maybe part of the reason I made the somewhat illogical decision to come here was that Hashem maybe wanted me to help out this good guy, as it seems I'm the only one of the guys our age here who can give him some empathy. I hate to think that I'm benefiting from his sorrow, I'm certainly not happy, but I am thankful that I can help out a friend in need.
I am confident that 5766 will be worlds better than the past year. It will be filled, G-d filling, with accomplishments, success, loved ones, and happiness.
So as the final hours of 5765 pass I would just like to thank all of you who have been there for me in the last year, and helped pick me up when I was down. I hope I Don't have to return the favor, but will be there in a heartbeat if the situation arises.
As for this blog? Well nearly 5000 hits...woh. I'm really glad that people actually bother to read what I have to say. I have no intention of stopping this blog, as it was one of the best things I did last year, hack you can add it to those silver linings.

Whether you're a Jew or a gentile I'd like to wish you a HAPPY, healthy, successful year, and Hashem should answer all your tfillot in truth.

With all my gratitude,

The Hopeful Fool

p.s. One quick word on the Mets as they ended their year last night as well. We had a winning season this year, saw how great Wright and Reyes will be, discovered Mike Jacobs and said goodbye to Mike Piazza, who I will always cheer even if he becomes a Yankee, as he was the heart of our Mets for so long, and played with a certain class and dignity that eludes so many players these days. We'll miss you Mike, thanks for all the great memories...especailly the walk off homer over Bonds last year that I got to experience at Shea with my nephew. METS IN 2006!!!!


Blogger Anonymous said...

K'siva V'chasim Tova

From just a little blimp in 5765. I guess my pain in the neck personality, together with some pleasant chit-chat, I even myself out to nothingness...

Monday, October 03, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shevy, do not urinate in your clothes. I can tell you, the momentary warmth is not worth the nappy rash.

Sunday, October 09, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Soooooo true

Monday, October 10, 2005  

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