Saturday, October 01, 2005

I'm Not Gordon Gekko

I just finished another lackluster, tedious round of slichot, but that's not tonights topic.
Last week I had a chat with my brother in law who was trying to convince me to get my NBA and go work on Wall St. In no way was this intriguing to me, but I humored my bro-in-law as he went on and on about how well one can do even if they're not the best broker, trader etc... He said that I should do it for a few years, make a couple of mill and move on. Like it's that easy. But that's not even the point.
I did not take one single business class in college, so going to business school might be a tad difficult. But that too is not the point.
I know jack about the market (unless it's movie related ala' my brilliant call on Marvel 3 years ago), and to be honest, I ain't that interested. But once again: not the point.
Are you ready for the point? OK, here it comes: Going into a job like that is sure to make miserable in life. To be frank I was a little shocked (as well as amused) that he would make such a suggestion. Does the man not know me at all? For those of you who know the fool, do you honestly think a job on Wall St. is fitting for the Fool?
I must say that I love my brother-in-law. I think he's a good man, is an excellent provider for my sister and their children, and we've had some good time together (movies, baseball games etc..). I'm also touched that he's always taken an interest in my life, and tried to give me sound advice. I didn't always agree with it, and other people would say the opposite of what he said as well, but nevertheless his heart was in the right place. But the fact is he came from a very different world than I did. He grew up in back Lawrence I grew up in Queens...and though I could probably say a lot more to differentiate myself from him, I think that saying that is enough, hilarious as it is. He has done very well for himself in business, and I hope he continues to have success. But I could be happy in life living on a mere percentage of what he earns. Yes I'm aware of how much rent, tuition, insurance cost. But I'm more than willing to cut back on personal pleasures (does that sound dirty or is it me?). Truth is I've always been quite good at cutting corners, saving dough and overall fulfilling my stereotype as a Jew.

Now I have nothing against people who work on Wall St., and I think it's fine that they make a healthy living for their families. I just couldn't work a job like that. Why? Well because of the above reasons and a few more I neglected to mention (that whole "not the point" thing would have got really tiresome if I did). I don't see how working in such a line of work could help me grow as a person, as a yid. I don't think I'd be contributing anything to society, nor will I be able people or making the world better in any way. My main focus would be $ $ $ $ $ $ $., and as much as I love Scrooge McDuck I just wouldn't be happy in such a life (stay tuned for a Duck Tales blog in the near future!).
Money isn't everything, and greed, for lack of a better word, is not Good. That's a statement negating a famous quote from this blogs title character. The movie was "Wallstreet" and Michael Douglas played Mr. Gekko (and won an Oscar for it). He exemplified the heartless, venomous anti-hero of the financial world (I use that term as there are many who look up to his character. See: "Boiler Room"- not only because I'm in it, but it happens to be a good flick..and even defends my arguments here). He might have been happy in a villainous way, but I did not see a tinge of true meaning of real fulfillment in his life (or as it was displayed by Oliver Stone.) The scary thing is that I think that if the dark side of my id took over I could be very Gekko-esque and do quite well in his field. I often find myself coming up with vindictive, fiendish schemes when the negative side of me takes over the ol' mind (And some of them are really excellent I must say). Of course I NEVER act on these plots, but the fact that I think them up is still a little scary to me. If I work in the world of finance I think that menacing, coldblooded, slimy scumbag that lies deep within me could surface, and then my neshama could be truly lost. I could very well let my job consume me. If I was not succeeding I might do whatever it took to get on top, no matter how immoral it might be. And if I was successful I fear I would lose sight of what's really important in life, and start taking things for granted, getting lost in a hedonistic life style.
Money can truly be the source of all evil, and though I hope I am secure in that area, it will not be the focus of my life.
I think I've already mentioned in the past how I let money help get in the way of my happiness. Worrying even obsessing over it, is damaging and actually unnecessary. Obviously we should be CONCERNED about our finances, but not to the extent that we make foolish decisions that cause us to do wrong, stupid, and foolish actions. Though we don't like to believe it our financial success is in the hands of G-d. A person can go to med school, become a successful Dr. and lose it all in one malpractice suit. Businesses can go bankrupt. Natural disasters can destroy stores and investments. And last but not least, the market can crash. The truth is though I'm still uncertain about a lot in my life right now I think I'm finally figuring out what I want to pursue right now for a living. I just hope I have the courage and faith to follow my heart, and ignore the nay-sayers.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

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Saturday, October 01, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Im sorry, bone, but i must disagree with many of the things you said (though of course in a loving way, as always).
Most of your reasoning is based of off two incorrect assumptions: that the only reason people work in Wall Street is for money, and that a job working on Wall Street cannot help society.
I agree with you strongly, however, that money is the source of much misery in the world (probably more than it is happiness) and ll you saids about prioritizing wealth, but I think one should be concerned about money maybe alittle more than you do, but that is all very subjective and personal: it is all about choice. I (nor anyone) cannot tell you what should be important to you. I (nor anyone) cannot tell you whether you should compromise your ideals, morals, or religion for mmoney. But I can tell you that IF you want to make money alittle bit more of a priority in your life, and if you want to do well, listening to your brother in law is a very good idea, and it is surely much more doable than you think. The reason why I know this is becuase what has happened to me over the past few years of my life. Let me explain.
Ok, I need to go to sleep so I will make this quick. Yoni, I am a clown. You know me. In high school, I was a crazy clown/rebel/bum, etc. Also, you know my personality. CAN YOU BELEIVE THAT I AM IN A TOP 25 LAW SCHOOL?? Well, I cant either, but I have changed a good amount (not without some effort. Simply, I am trying to tell you that there is a world out there that you dont know about, that if you try alittle bit, (yes, thats right compromise a bit, even "sell out") you can go a long way- with out compormising too much.

Sunday, October 02, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I had more to say, but I ran out of room. Im going to sleep. I hope all is well- and Im glad to hear from you once again.

Sunday, October 02, 2005  
Blogger Hopefool said...

I think my point was simply that in the long run I know I would regret doing a job I didnt like simly because I make a lot of money. My father has rarely given me advice in life but 1 thing he did tell me is that I should pursue a job that makes me happy, and I dont think working on Wall St. would do that. I don't think you Josh should quite on your music ambitions. You are incredibly talented, and if you believed in yourself a bit more, who knows?

Sunday, October 02, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't know Yon. Not everyone can find a job that they are excited about. Most people end up in jobs that they are good at or that they can tolerate, but they do them because it brings in the dough...(no pun intended)now thats not always a bad thing--true, money is the root of all evil, or so they say (who are they?) but anyways, many people relize that they need a LOT of money to raise a Jewish family these days. And therefore to make their family as comfortable as possible, they focus much attention to making lots of cash. I don't think its all about the money, its about security for your family, that they should be well taken care of. But thats just me.
oh, and have a happy and healthy new year!!! envious that you are in the holy land, make the most of it.

Monday, October 03, 2005  
Blogger Hopefool said...

Translation: I, Miss K, plan to marry rich.
All I can say is that right now I'm going to fully pursue my dreams, and if those fail then I'll fall back on practicality.
One word babe: Bitachon.

Shana tova!

Monday, October 03, 2005  

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