Tuesday, August 30, 2005

A Blog For Those Who are Bored

Well only one week until I leave (once again) for the Holy Land. My little hiatus has been nice. I've worked, I've played, I've Shead (YEAH METS!!!), and I haven't gotten la,uh.....drunk. Not that I drink at all anymore, but I thought that was just a cute way to start off this blog. And yes, it's probably going to be one of those rambling entries. So lets get started, shall we?

I've seen a few movies since I got home, and enjoyed all of them I'm happy to say (last summers films basically stunk). "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" was entertaining, superbly acted, and did justice to the bizarre preview (now Depp's weird teeth make perfect sense!) "Four Brothers" was atypical John Singleton fare (I say that in a good way), although it's never totally explained why the mom had to be murdered, but that doesn't ruin anything, it's still a solid, though by no means excellent, film. Then there's "Wedding Crashers", my new guilty pleasure. Not only is it damn funny, but it actually had a cute story I found engaging (although it's secondary theme of "if you love someone you don't give up" was a little jarring to me). Yes it was incredibly dirty at times, and yes, I feel guilty about that, but I suppose I'm just sowing my angsty oats before I spiritualize next week- Is that hypocritical? I suppose, but in my defense I really did look away at the nude scenes ("Yeah like that makes it OK"- shut up stupid angel on my shoulder, you're hibernating till next week, so buzz off!)

The Mets are right in the playoff mix, but are neck and neck with the Phillies, Marlins, Astro's and possibly Braves (sorry National fans- I don't think you got a shot). We have three crucial games against Philly this week, and I hope to be at two of them- my last Mets games of the season, :( tears, sorrow.... If they do make the playoffs I'll of course be thrilled, but it'll be tough not being able to be at Shea for those amazing games. But I hope to organize massive, middle of the night Met-watchings in Israel. We shall support our Amazin's from thousands of mile's away, and guide them to victory with our holiness!!! SCHWAAAA~~~~!!!

Other random thoughts, observances and questions going through my unsettled mind:
-Will I get really really frum this year (I hate the term "flipping out"- it has such a negative connotation- perhaps the topic for the next blog), or will I revert?
-It's been great hanging out with my friends since I've gotten home. See, these fine folk didn't all know each other before the summer, but now are all friends cause they did the same trip. So now I can hang out with my various, segmented friends as one :) I'll miss them the most .....after October... if the Mets make the playoffs that is.
- Though season 5 was great (and it does have the rakes) "The Simpsons" 6th season is the shows best.
- The best episodes of "The Simpsons" are better than the best episodes of "Family Guy", but the worst "Family Guy" episodes are way funnier than bad Simpsons episodes.
-The book I'm reading, "The Historian" (basically "The DaVinci Code" meets "Dracula"), is interesting, but quite dull at times (as Stephen King noted).
-Jessica's odor has not improved over the summer I'm sorry to say.
-I'm incredibly anxious and nervous about the coming year.Though one year ago I had the rest of my life planned out, and I thought I learned a valuable lesson, in that you don't always need a plan, because often it may not work, I'm still quite unsure of what I'll be doing a year from now (besides going to Mets games). But I won't freak out about this till, say April? We'll just have to wait and see.
- I went to my first wedding in nearly a year last night- it was pretty heavy, but I was strong and all was well.
-I GOT MY NEW DELL!! (but it doesn't have a voice recorder, and I'm not in love with how it doesn't come out of the case so easily.)
- Next week I'll have to face a lot of ghosts from my past. I hope I'm strong enough to get through them and move on.
- I'd like to end by wishing the best of luck to Joshua Mercutio Becker in Atlanta. May you bongo with the best of them, and find new friends that will enrich your 2 years down there (but always remember the one's in NY are cooler guess the love Guster and the Pumpkins more than southerners do)


Blogger Hopefool said...

NO!!! My blog was a thing of purity and now it's become currupt by advertising fueled by corporate greed! I NOW VOW THAT I WILL NEVER USE MOTOROLA!!

Tuesday, August 30, 2005  
Blogger The Fades said...

what is that stuff about angsty oats..uncler what that means. Everyone has seen wedding crashers, just some people don't admit to it. and thats about it.

Wednesday, August 31, 2005  
Blogger Hopefool said...

I'll miss you too Shir- but I'll be back in the winter for a stint :)
CIDA!!! The "Angsty Oats" line is refering to my immature side that feels the need to be a little wild and "unholy" sometimes(although if "Wedding Crashers" is the worst I do then that ain't half bad...but it wasn't, soooo yeah.....)You know what talking about Mister Lyde (formally possesed by that rapscalion Bernard.)

Wednesday, August 31, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey yoni is abie summer was great and as shira said dont change your the best i had an amazing summers on west and europe and i am glad u were there both times and thanx for leaving out that joke with matt about me and jordana even though it would have been very funny and the huttel joke is still talked about with everyone even kids not on achva c u around Abie

Monday, September 05, 2005  

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