Tuesday, July 05, 2005

A Quick Word Before I Go-Go

Well my flight for the U.K leaves tonight and my summer officially begins. Then it's off to Italy and then the Land of Holiness, which will be m home for the next year or so. Honestly things have been kind of heavy for me lately, but I'm hoping once the trip starts all that will go away.
I was reading over a lot of these blogs last night, and I realized a lot. When I first started writing these entries I talked of a "reconciliation" which didn't happen, and a big part of me is glad it didn't, it's not what I really wanted (though it would have been nice to be on good terms again, but Gam zu latova). More importantly I also talked about getting back to the road I was at when I was 20, and B"H I think I've been doing a good job of that. I KNOW I have grown over the last 3-4 months, and I hope I continue to do so over the next near...heck for the rest of my life.
I'm not sure how, but this blog has over 3300 hits (and only 200 of those were yourts truly), which to me is quite staggering.I'd like to thank any and all of you who took an interest in my life and my writings.
As much as many of you have told me how much you've enjoyed certain entries (some liked the Pumpkins one, others liked the dating stuff), and as happy as I am that you did, this blog was still something I did/do for me, and it proved to be incredibly therapeutic. So I have zero intention of stopping now that I'm leaving. I will do my best to update this blog whenever I have the chance and fill you all in on my journey's and adventures. Until then I wish you all an incredible summer, and may your days be productive and your nights be Kosher :) or the other way around :) And always remember: Though one may hope foolishly, it is this person who can ultimately achieve a higher happiness. I think this applies to many things in life. I've turned my "foolish" hope to other areas, and I have a feeling things might just turn out pretty good (blee eyen hora).


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