Monday, October 17, 2005


Since I've started this blog I have not used this font (courier). Why? Because it the font one uses to write screenplays, and as I was continuously working on mine, I told mytself I wouldn't blog in the font until I finished. Well, B"H I'm very happy to say that I finally finished my screenplay! It's 106 pages long (a script should be between 90-120 pages),and it might suck, or be quite good...I don't really know. The important thing is is that I conquered my fear and did it. Now I can go from being an inspiring failed writer, to a plain old failed writer :)
I would just like to thank two really great friends for really pushing me over the last year or so. First my buddy Evan (!) who gave me enough confidence in my writings to once again work on "Hitler" (he's a character in the script), and second to the guy who just can't remember your name, MATT, who was certainly persistent in asking "How's the script going?" over the last year after I asked to make sure I get it done. I thank you both (And my old friend Joel who I don't speak to any more- but he loved the idea for the movie when we were 16, and I guess that prevented it from dying), and wish you long years filled with SCHWAAA~~~~
It took me 7 years to finish this thing (talk about procrastination), and I did shed a few tears once it was done. Now I just have let people read it and hopefully take their criticism well.
The only problem now is that finishing this thing was one of my two main goals in Israel. And the other isn't something I can really work on, it just has to happen. It's like aging: you can't work on turning a year older, it just happens. Perhaps I'll get back to the novel I started last year, though I'm not sure where I want that story to go at all, or maybe I'll turn a baseball play I was working on into a screenplay. Not sure. I'll have to figure out something, otherwise I really will have too much time on my hands. But right now, or at least for a few days I will revel in this accomplishment because it is something I'm quite proud of, and even if it's a hooooorrible script, at least I can say that I finally did it.


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