Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Step It Up Ladies

Well I must say that I'm quite pleased with the response my skirts vs. pants blog got. I'm going to discuss another issue that came up over Pesach but before I do I'd like to tell a quick tale of a Shea experience I had Monday night (the dating stuff is below in blue if you want to skip this):
Though the game was delayed for 2 hours because of rain, that didn't stop 2 die-hards like myself, and my buddy Sean (The World Greatest Mets Fan) from sticking around and seeing Pedro baffle the Phillies. As always, the Pepsi Party Patrol came out in the middle of the 6th and started launching T-shirts into the crowd. This is almost as exciting as catching a foul ball, and you don't have to worry about breaking your hand in the process. I got a shirt last year, and wanted another this season. One by one the young interns of the PPP shot and threw their shirts to the crowd, but nowhere near us did a shirt fall. Then on the final launch one shirt was arcing my way. I followed it, anticipated it, didn't bother to look at the railing in front of me, and reached as far as I could to make an attempt at it!..... NO! It went off my fingertips and fell two rows in front of me. Fortunately because of the rain the crowd was thin, and there was no one sitting in those rows. But I saw some rabid fans who wanted that shirt making their approach. I was in the middle of the row and if I went around the seats I'd have no chance at the shirt two sizes too big for me that I desired nonetheless. I had few options and did the only sensible thing I could do. I lunged over two rows of seats head first towards the shirt. My cell phone fell out of my pocket, my hat fell off, my left shoe somehow found its way off my foot and my ankle hit the railing hard and my left arm collided with the side of the metallic arm rest of a seat (I have the black and blues to prove this), but my right arm found its target, and before the approaching competition could close in I had the shirt. In order to regain my balance I had to push off with my arms, and (with surprising agility) popped back on my feat, picked up my hat and cell phone, and cleaned myself off. Sean was cracking up and applauding at the same time. Many ppl around me cheered as well. Though I must have looked somewhat foolish doing this for a t-shirt, cause two fans lovingly called out "Asshole!" and "Nice grab Jackass!". A women near me looked at me like I was a child molester. I gave Sean a high-5, didn't care what the people around me thought and watched the rest of the game. My bruises are healing, my phone still works, and I got the shirt. The Mets ended up winning 5-1. No regrets.

Now, back to the dating issues. Another matter that irked me over the yumtuf was the following: Apparently many girls won't approach a guy if they're interested in him. They want the guy to make the first move...always. I think this is ridiculous. Girls, if you're interested in a guy, subtly let him know (but don't be too subtle). Don't be blatant and all over him, but give little hints, and then see if he reacts. If you don't know the guy don't be intimidated either. Approach him and comment on something he's wearing, or lie about something. Take any window you can, if we're not interested we'll let you know. But guys love it when a nice stranger of the opposite sex approaches us (providing we find her attractive in some way).
What many of you girls don't realize is that many guys are insecure, and find girls incredibly intimidating. We don't always have enough confidence to approach you. But you see, the pressure seems to be on the guy, and this isn't right. Why must we be the ones to put ourselves on the line time and again? If we get rejected we are not going to be as willing to do the approaching in the future, especially if we really like the girl. I couldn't have been more intimidated by my first girlfriend. I felt she was wayyyy out of my league- why would a girl that hot go out with me? I would see her walking across the St., go into gaga-land and walk into a lamp-post. I honestly once totaled my car watching her walk down Austin st. once. For months I couldn't work up the courage to go for it. Eventually our paths directly crossed and despite being a bumbling fool, I worked up the courage to make a move- but only because she was dropping slight hints and I decided "What the hell? The worst that could happen is she says no, and I move on". Of course once in the relationship plenty of worse things happened but that's another blog. The point here is that you have much more to gain than you have to lose so why not?
I know it's not looked on as being "conventional" for a girl to be forward, but hey if girls can wear pants they can make the first move. And in most cases once they do so the guy will be confident enough to become the assertive man you want him to be. All he needed was that little boost of confidence which you provided by simply approaching him.
Another factor you must consider is that there are plenty of guys who are simply aloof. But if you make the effort with such a guy he may wake up and realize something he didn't see before. At a minimum get him to notice you.

In closing I must reiterate that some guys are simply more confident than others (for various reasons) if you're interested in a guy and don't make the slightest effort then you may miss out on something great. Some other girl will get him and you'll have to go the rest of your life knowing that someone else is married to your husband.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Girls like the "take control" type of guy.. Not the ones biting their nails in the corner.

Thursday, May 05, 2005  
Blogger Hopefool said...

Yes, but my point is that the "take control" type of guy might have got his heart broken, and is now insecure and too scared of getting hurt again. His confidence just needs a little nudge and he could be ok.

Thursday, May 05, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

well guys like the "take control" type kind of girl...not the ones biting their nails in the corner. jerk. (not you, bone)

Thursday, May 05, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yeah, I agree. If you ladies want the same rights as men, then you need to have the same responsibilities. Or atleast, dont expect anything from us that you can't do yourselves.

Thursday, May 05, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

and it's not just physically putting yourself out there (that guys are "expected" to do first) but also emotionally. In most any relationship- you will always find that it is the guy who first puts his neck out onto the line. Many girls (not all, but many) ONLY give (in a relationship) after given to. Why is that?

Thursday, May 05, 2005  
Blogger Hopefool said...

YES!! I love the support here fellas!
As to the double standards: apparently women want to be wooed. They like the guy putting his neck on the line. It gives them power. But sometimes we get giuatined (I so spelled that wrong), one way or another. The fact is most girls really only want equality when it best serves them, hence all the double standards. Let's be honest here, when it comes to physically "going for it", it's 98% of the time the guy making that first leap, sticking out his neck hoping it ends up with a hicky and not severed in a basket.

Friday, May 06, 2005  
Blogger The Fades said...

I dont know. I like to make the first move and approach the girls b/c i feel like i am on reality tv and its really fun. But then, once we are dating, i no longer take control at all, b/c the fun of "getting" her is over. If we are in a public place, and there are big black people around me, I run away and leave her there to get mugged. Teaches her a lesson. Also can i plug my blog?

Friday, May 06, 2005  
Blogger Hopefool said...

Plug away you shameless, racist oppurtunist.But I agree with teaching that lesson. Next time she'll appreciate you more :)

Friday, May 06, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

okay thats enough! I've worked really hard not to hate girls anymore-and i've come a long way. and this message is totally sending me back to where i was before by making me realize how...well, basically how a guy tries SO damn hard, and girls totally stand back while being given to and "choose" whether he is 'good enough' not to get totally shut down. ok thats enough from me. did i say that? its just really upsetting thats all.

Friday, May 06, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ha! I wish somebody else were married to my husband. sad but true

Friday, May 06, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

About the Game: The only aspect I can relate to is the Free T-shirt. I was hoping you'd be in on boycotting Free-Tshirt giveaways. They discriminate against the fit/slim people by only giving out x-large sizes. What's up with that, man?

About the Girls: It seems that your ideal girl would strut over to you, looking like Heather Graham with her ass-tight pants and introduce yourself.

Sunday, May 08, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

get the fuck outtahere with this girl bullshit. if you want one go fucking get one aint nobody gonna do shit for you. God damn listen man get a pair of nuts and if you see something you like go after it

Sunday, May 08, 2005  
Blogger Hopefool said...

Ahhh if only it was that easy.

Monday, May 09, 2005  

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