Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Time To Lose Some Weight

Based on today's title some of you may think that I'm referring to my physique. B"H I'm happy with my 155 lb frame so it's not that. But yesterday's blog was, well, heavy. So I figured for the next few days I'd lighten things up a bit. I think I'll briefly discuss some of the highlights of my adventures riding the F line to work everyday (on the NYC subway system for you out of towners).
Making fun of the overstuffed train, and the people who ride it is easier than Josh Becker after a few drinks. It is equally as easy to mockingly over-analyze the not-so pleasant demeanor most New Yorkers have as they stuff themselves in the train every morning. So rather than take the risk of being cliche I'll just write about some highlights of the past 5 months. In fact, now that Eddie Dean is back, I'll make a
TOP 10 out of it. So here are my TOP 10 NYC SUBWAY MOMENTS
10. Running into my old buddy Dave....who turned out not to be my old buddy Dave, but someone who looks like the way Dave could look now. Yes, I made an ass of myself, but I did it with a smile, so that counts for something right?

9. Having some old lady bring a can of air freshener on board and spray the car up.
8. Seeing some guy reading a Hustler as if it was Sports Illustrated.
7. Watching everyone try to move away from this incredibly smelly Indian man. But the train was packed, and many breaths were being held.
6. Seeing a woman breast feed, and watching every guy on board look, but make it look like they weren't not looking.
5. Having the conductor make the announcements as if he was laining (I promise this is true. The guy's Jewish and wishes me a "Boker Tov" when I see him.)
4. Seeing some guy reading the Dark Tower VII, and wishing him "Long days and pleasant nights as I exited" .... and he replied with "Thankee sai" !!
3. Exiting the car and switching to the one behind it after this Latino guy was playing Beatles songs on an accordian, and then seeing all the people I was around switching cars as well.
2. Seeing (and ignoring) the same incredibly annoying and intrusive J's Witness on three straight rides, who was finally told by this Italian guy who weighed a good duece and a half, "Shut the f--- up I'm trying to read!!!!" and then hearing half the car crack up in appreciation.
1. Running to catch a train, and as the doors were closing putting my hands between them and pushing them open, then getting on the train and giving a huge black guy a high-5 out of complete instinct.

Feel free to share your NYC Subway adventures.
And one last note: I returned to JCrew today and brought my Dell DJ, so Crewella was powerless once more (but I didn't end up getting anything).


Blogger Hopefool said...

Look? Yes. Leer? No. Besides it was more fun looking at the people trying not to look.
Yes the last few Mets games were solid- I'll be writing about 'em in the next blog....coming soon.

Friday, April 15, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hate having to be sandwiched between two really heavy ppl.

Friday, April 15, 2005  

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