Thursday, November 17, 2005


Now before all of you who know me well sit there agape wondering how I could ever forgo a Camp Raleigh list, please be aware that I am a man who loves saving the best for last. So fear not there will be a similar list in a future blog detailing some of the best days of my life, in one of my true loves....The BIG REISH (not to be confused with Reishit, though I do sometimes call it that, but usually feel guilty after). So lets get to the list. Here are my TOP TEN CAMP HILLEL MEMORIES (This is the Camp Hillel that's part of Chippinaw now).

(Fools note- certain memories were a bit too private to be placed here.)
10. Getting over and flirting with a cop to try to get out of a ticket one night coming back from Middletown- I wasn't really "flirting", just being overly friendly. We had just seen "Windtalkers" and were of course disappointed by it, so I chatted it up with the copper. I thought it was going well but he ticketed us anyway. But what made it twice as funny was that I was in the car with the same driver two weeks earlier when he got nailed for going 105. Two tickets in two weeks= sucks for my friend, hilarious for me. (Summer 02)
9. "Rocking in the Free World"- I was just getting decent enough at guitar, and I figured "what the hell?" I got three of my pals (Doovviiiiii, Mattoooooo, Schwitza!) to sing the lead and we rocked hard!! Or at least I did. It's safe to say I went a tad over the top, while the other guys just laughed at my Marty McFly like rocking. I've mellowed in subsequent shows, and am still proud of my headbanging early rocking. I think I made Neil Young proud. (Summer '00)
8. Banquet 2002- I had left camp a few days early because I was heading back to Israel. But I came back for the last night with my then girlfriend (she spent the summer back in Queens. It was really tough being apart). It was great being all relaxed with my campers, laughing about this prank and that fight, and Marc even got out of bed to come!. I had a couple of drinks (with Bere in "mommy's" room- the place we kept our stuff for our summers there- we love you mommy!!!), made some good jokes and was very confused to find Matt's dad cutting and serving meat behind one of the buffet tables. But overall it really was great having the then girlfriend share in my summer, and all the great friends I had there, and having them share some of my great triumphs and follies of the previous years (as well as my "decent" color war banner ). It was the last night I ever spent in Hillel, and I have to say it was one of the happiest nights of my life. (summer 02...duh)
7. The "asshole" Incident. For the record it wasn't my fault. Basically the story goes like this: We were having intercamps against Mesorah and were in a very heated football game (I was coaching the 5's). Now the ref was quite bad so one of the Mesorah rebbeim of the camp took it upon himself to take over, without a Hillel ref to make it fair. We were up by a point or two with about 30 seconds to go. One of our players had an interception, took 2 steps and then had the ball knocked out of his hands. We all started celebrating.The rabbi called the play an incomplete pass and it was still Mesorah ball. The Hillel kids and everyone watching went nuts. I argued with him, but he got shockingly belligerent. I had heard that this rabbi was very competitive, and hated to lose. My guess is that he knew he was cheating and felt guilty about it and that's why he was being so rude to me. Anyways, Mesorah scored and we lost. Then one of the Hillel kids (not me!) started chanting "assssshoooollleeeee, asssssshooollllllleeeee". Then the entire crowd started doing it. And the Mesorah Rabbi left in a fury, being serenaded with the "asshole" chant all the way to his bus and I was quite happy about it at the time. The kids were even chanting it as the pulled away. I know it was wrong (wasn't it?), but it was still one hell of an experience. For the record that was the last time Hillel ever had intercamps with Mesorah. (summer '00)
6. The Middletown Mall- Ahhhh so much fun was had there. Buying cheap clothes, winning scratch lotto games (K-you won $20 once no?), Baskin Robbins, Hot Topic, chatting with the locals, and of course the movie theater. Many a movie was seen there. In fact I once saw three movies in one day there (I think they were "X-Men", "The Patriot" and "Scary Movie" but I could be mistaken). This might seem like a week entry but a good day off usually centered around the Mall, and it was always a good escape from those lovable, but pesky kids. (summers '00, '01,'02)
5.Pranking sleeping kids in the middle of the night. Usually this would consist of asking them ridiculous questions in there sleep like "Where's the key?" or "What happened to the Snuffalufugus?". Other nights we would just scare them and tell them there was a fire and they had to get out immediately (that one probably shouldn't have been so funny....yet it was). The best time we ever had doing this was waking a bewildered "Camper from Paris" who wondered out in half-sleep wearing nothing but tighty-whities, complaining about his missing blanket (Summer '00, '01)
4. Making my first Siyum- It was messechet Makkot, and I finished it his with the one who has such underused nicknames as "Bubba" ,"Chuckles", and "Shocksy", an one overused one of the "Shtark" variety. I was very overcome with motion when I finished it- a year earlier I never would have imagined I would have done something like that. My sister and a couple of nephews came up, as well as my parents. I spoke in front of the whole camp (well I think) and I think it was the proudest my dad ever was of me. (Summer '01)
3. Guys n' Dolls- Sure, I was involved with the stage manager at the time, and a bunch of my friends were in the play and we had a lot of fun (I think I played Benny...if there is such a character). But what made this play oh so classic is one simple word.....CIDA!!!!! I think maybe 4 people got that, which makes it all the more worth it. Also the way CIDA!!! magically dissapeared before a song and The Kingof TV simply appreared to sing for him was shameful, yet hilarious. (Summer '00)
2. Color War '01- Ok ok, I know my alam matter lost. But besides that one judge can anyone say that our song wasn't 1000x better, even the opposing teams "songwriters" admitted it (though I think one of them was trying to sleep with me at the time). "Summer Days" was simply an outstanding alma mater, not to be outdone by any other tune I've heard in my summer days (perhaps "Goodbye to Raleigh", but that's it). And it was still a great thrill arranging the song, and being up there leading the way as the kids executed it perfectly. I also delivered a shocking upset against CIDA!!! in the skit- which really was quite hysterical (thanks again Bernard).
Being Color War General isn't easy. Sometimes you feel like your buckling under the pressure (and yell at a retired General? Right Shatzki?), and that it's not worth it. But then you remember you're love for camp, love for what color war means, and though it might seem rewardless and arbitrary, you just do it. You simply go out there and kick Dov's ass! GO GOLD!! (Summer 01)
1. The Friday Night Tishes- It seems there was nothing I couldn't get away with during my inebriated overseeing of this weekly tradition, be it dancing on the table, commenting on how certain girls looked in certain outfits (ahhhhh the sweater comment....hey, I was drunk), or simply passing out as the night went along. These were great nights, with great friends (in fact the four guys I consider myself closest with were all Tish regulars....awwwww) and despite what it sounds like there really was great singing, solid dvar torah, and edible chulent. (Summer 01)

So that's it. If I forgot anything major I'll let you know.There are certain memories I left out to be on the safe side as I didn't want to hurt anyone's feelings. Should I get their permission I'll post 'em on the comments page (Josh Becker 4ever???).
I think I might also do a Top Ten Hillel Personalities blog- though that could really hurt some people's feeling. And I don't know if I could hold back on that blog. I'm shocked I didn't make fun of Sid once in this one!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Excellent blog....brought back a lot of good memories. I forgot about those scratch off tickets--I just kept winning. Those were the days. And I do miss mommy and twizzlers twist and fill....

Sunday, November 20, 2005  
Blogger Hopefool said...

And the "occasional" Smirnoff?

Sunday, November 20, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And the "occasional" Smirnoff...

Monday, November 21, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

o my gosh- yoni, please post anything you want- i was dissappointed you didnt write about the crazy stuff we did- and the hot air balloon? bongo! feel free to post to your desire. After crapping in a sheirut full of strangers, i have lost all shame. ok, well, take care!

Monday, November 21, 2005  
Blogger Hopefool said...

Oh my G-d!! Josh you have to post the full story of how you crapped in that sheirut- it is quite possibly the funniest story ever told (though one really benefits the most when hearing it from you in person).
OK so now that I have his permission here is what happened with Josh Becker aka Bongo in 2000:
Josh wasn't exactly the hardest worling counselor at Hillel, but I for one thought he was doing a good job. The kids and counselors all loved him. But apparently there were 1 or 2 people on the higher staff who thought he was just too lazy, and after he missed mincha on Tisha Baav they unjustly axed him!! This prompted the creation of the Josh Becker 4Ever squad, led by myself and Reuven Levavi. We were not going to let Josh's dismisal by the Pole, and the Mail-Box (a nickname for Sid I just made up- he kind of looks like one no?) go unavenged. We would not let Josh Becker fade quietly into the night. What followed was a mass of Josh Becker awareness, demonstratiions, and advertisings. There were the Josh Bexker 4ever t-shirts (I still have mine, though my wearing this shirt didn't piss them off as much as wearing Camp Raleigh shirts did). There was Josh Becker 4ever written on Color War Sheets (and they still made me General the next year....go figure). Josh Becker chanting. Josh Becker cheering. Josh Becker post-ups. Josh Becker being added to the OD rotation. Josh Becker being called to the boys HC even though he was in Maryland and of course me and my entire bunk yelling "JOSH BECKER 4 EVER!!!!!" from a hot air balloon that the camp hired for a day. It's five years later and Hillel is no more (perhaps G-d punished them for firing Josh), and though he might be on his way to becoming a hot-shot lawyer, I still would like to shout once more: JOSH BECKER 4EVER!!

Monday, November 21, 2005  
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