Friday, January 13, 2006

Time, Torah, and Turtles

This week I was officially busy, mostly with grad school work, and a few other odds and ends. Next week however? Well let's just say I won't be in any sort of do anything....anywhere. In a way this is very nice, and at the same time it's very scary. Time can be a wonderful gift and a horrid curse. I plan to use my time wisely. It's imperative that I go to bed every night and not think "Jeez I really wasted today." So what am I going to do? Well I'm going to make sure to learn everyday (which I honestly believe is imperative to my spiritual sanity), practice guitar, enjoy "24" and "Lost" (which I just started watching today). More importantly I hope to find an apartment and a part time job till the summer. I'll be ok.
What I really wanted to write about is what it's been like since I've gotten home. In many ways things have changed and in others they're still the same. There's the little things, like how all the radio stations have changed. K-rock is gone, 101.1 went from oldies to just about everything, and XM is widely popular. I have been very pleased to hear Howie Day's "She Says" on the radio (a relationship I had with a girl was indirectly ended because of this song). The funny thing about "She Says" is that this is the third version of it I've heard. The first- straight up acoustic- was about five years ago on Howie's first album "Australia", the second version was more electrified and "expensive" sounding and interestingly enough appeared on Howies second album "Stop All the World Now", and now there's this new radio version which proves that Billy Joel knew what he was talking about in "The Entertainer" (either you got that or you didn't). This version of "She Says" cuts the chorus in half, shortens the bridge, and ends on the chorus too after Howies wailing interlude (this was the only improvement). Basically they sped up the beat and shortened the song to make it more radio friendly. It's still great, but doesn't pack the same punch as the original(s). And on an interesting Billy/Howie note: Howie recently covered Billy's "Only the Good Die Young", which you can find on Kazaa or Llimewire.
Wow, that was a major digression. What the hell was I talking about? Ninja Turtles, right? Does anyone think that Donetello might have been gay? Do you think Shredder ever cuts himself? What was the name of that Ninja Rabbit?
It's odd: I feel like I've grown a good deal in the last six months (with the exception of the previous paragraph), and that I've changed as well, but I'm having a difficult time pinpointing any sort of subtle metamorphosis I might have had. Maybe that's just how growth works, or maybe it's how I think it might work, but actually doesn't, and in fact I'm worse off than ever?...Nahhhhh. I do feel a continuous wave of inner peace that I'm unfamiliar with (which is odd since I should have to worry about than ever), along with more motivation to do good. I hope I do that. I also hope that in the next 2 months I make it to Philly, Atlanta, Boston and Montreal- why not go see some friends with my time?
The last thing I hope for now is that I have more interesting blogs in the future and don't post just for the sake of posting. It will be nice though to go back to 0-2 comments....unless I've inadvertently started a mass Ninja Turtle debate.


Blogger Anonymous said...

Send me some good songs! Enjoy next week! I know I won't.

Friday, January 13, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yoni, you're my friend and I hope everything works out.

Thursday, January 19, 2006  

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