Thursday, May 25, 2006

Great Things All At Once

Up until Tuesday the last month has been very "eh". Nothing too thrilling or exciting, just SSDD. That's not bad really. I mean things could have been much worse so I must be thankful for the blaze' continuity I found myself in. Although I should point out one bummer of a story.
I ran into a girl I knew 6 years ago on Shabbos in Washington Heights. This girl is very beautiful, very sharp and very witty. Which basically means she was way out of my league, thereby enabling me to say "What the Hell?!" and just go for it. I spoke to her for a few minutes Friday night, a few more Saturday morning and then just went for it. I asked her if she wanted to go for a walk to the Cloisters with me that afternoon. To my shock and delight she said yes. I was ecstatic. Unfortunately the situation got Eyen Horad to hell. At lunch all my friends were basically in awe (I know it's a strong word but it's the truth) of what I did. Apparently no one asks a girl our directly in the Heights. What was even more incredible was that she said yes. Of course one of my friends who had lunch with, being immature as he tends to be on occasion, had to make a stupid joke to her about meeting me. I don't know if this affected anything but it still wasn't the right thing to do. Our meeting time rolled around and she wasn't there. I waited a little longer, then a little more and after a half hour realized she wasn't coming. I got stood up! I was in complete shock. I don't even know anyone who has been stood up before. It seems to so TV fictional, certainly not what you'd ever expect in the M.O. Jewish world. I mean who does that? Either say you're not interested or show up and make a quick exit, but don't leave the guy (i.e. me) hanging there waiting like an idiot. And I still haven't found out what the hell happened. It really doesn't make sense. Why would this girl hurt her reputation (not to mention my feelings) by doing something so callow and insensitive? I hope to find out soon. I'd like to think there was some miscommunication and give her the benefit of the doubt, but a half hour before our meeting time my friend who was at lunch with her said that she left because she "had to be somewhere at 4:00". So this is all very confusing. This vexes me. I'm terribly vexed.
So that sucked. But so be it. Not such a big deal, just very shocking.
Anyways things were going "Eh" except for the above bogus of a bummer. Then the tfillot started kicking in. I got into a big fight with my boss on Monday, and game out of if with a nice raise on Tuesday (B'H!). Then I got home and found a letter from my top choice of the MFA programs I applied to for the fall. I had been waiting to hear from the school for a while. Things weren't going to well with the other schools I applied to, but this way number one choice. I knew the story I wrote for my application was the best narrative work I had done to date. I felt I deserved to get in. But I'm sure so do the other 200 people who don't get in. I picked up the envelope. It felt slightly thicker than the rejection letter from Hunter. My heart was pounding. I had davened long and hard that I should be able to get in. My grades were very good. My recommendations solid and true. My story witty and precise. I felt it should happen. I top open the envelope....."Congratulations!" was all I saw and all I needed to see. I got in! The plan is working out. Baruch Hashem! I was on cloud nine. As excited as I was to get in, I was even happier to hear that they really like my story :) As I started my celebrating I was aware that I was late for a date at Shea.

I hightailed it to my other home and met up with my friends and ended up spening the next 5 hours watching the Mets refuse to die quietly into the night. They trailed all night: 2-0, 6-2, 6-5, 8-5. But they wouldn't give in. They just kept chipping away at the Phillies lead. Then in the bottom of the 8th with two strikes, and two outs, the score 8-6 Philadelphia, Jose Reyes golfed the ball to right field. TIE GAME!!! 8-8!!! The Amazin's reminded the crowd that you just gotta Believe. Little did the loyal Mets fans know that at that point the game was only half over. The innings then just went on and on. In the middle of the 11th they started playing my favorite song, "Tonight, Tonight" by the NEWLY REFORMED SMASHING PUMPKINS(!!!!!), they never play that song in Shea and I knew that there was no way the Mets were losing this game. Too many good things were happening. I felt a grace settling around me, if only for one day. We all have "one of those days :( " from time to time, but I was having the polar opposite.
Earlier in the evening one of my friends was raggin on Carlos Beltran and how he had no game winning hits as a Met at Shea. I specifically said "I promise you he will eventually". Then in the bottom of the 16th at 12:33 am Beltran rocketed a ball to right field and the game was over. My friend found new faith in Beltran. The Mets pulled it off. The remaining of The True high-fived, jumped up and down, and shouted "LETS GO METS!" Now we could go home. Last night I had another great time at Shea with my older brother and good "Cram" buddy, and Sunday night I was there as we edged Yankees. But this one was for the archives. There was magic that day, and it's glitter didn't dissipate until the night was through. It was just one of those great days. And if it wasn't for days like this we wouldn't know that we really need those weeks of "Eh" in order to fully appreciate greatness when it happens.

Monday, May 15, 2006

Killer Commute

OK I know I've been lazy lately but I will try to make more of an effort to blog. But for right now here's a quick question I'd like some opinions on: If I live in Queens, work by Wall St. and am dating a girl who lives on the Upper West Side should I ever be required to pick her up by car if we're going out on a work night?

And for you baseball fans: Lastins Milledge for Dontrelle Willis? Huge mistake or a guranteed ring?

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