Monday, June 19, 2006

Luck of The Yiddish

OK, so it's been a while? What can I say, I just haven't had the time or the drive to blog. I suppose I could have written on how I decided I wouldn't date from shavous till after the summer, or how I simply won't be set up until further notice (I'm confident enough these days to ask out girls straight up if I'm interested) , but I chose not to. However this morning my luck was so sensational that I feel that I have little choice in posting this blog to record this historic idea and to give a public thank you to Him.
Those of you who know me are aware that I've gotten very into Keane over the last few months. They're only playing one show in the tri-state area and it happens to, of course, be Friday night (as is the only Guster show I'd be able to attend this summer). However, they are having a free in store signing and mini-show Friday at 1:oo pm, but you basically have to wait on line for 6 hours to get in. Back in 2000 I waited on line for a very similar show for 8 hours to see the Pumpkins. Now this was totally worth it....back then. Now I don't think I could justify missing a half day of work and getting up at 5 am to see Keane. Yet there was another way to get into the show: winning tickets off of 95.5 wplj. All weekend I had my radio on trying to get through, trying to be caller 25. This morning I got through. This morning I was caller 25. I answered the easy question about the band (naming there first album "Hopes and Fears"), and this morning I won VIP tickets to the show, a signed copy of there new album and a chance to meet them as well. I was totally pumped. BH I've been lucky in my life at winning tickets off of the radio. I've won seats to Les Mis and to see the band LIVE. So this my third big win. I immediately called the blogs #1 fan, Mr. Josh Becker-the man who got me into Keane, and offered him the other ticket, after all if not for him I wouldn't be the Keane fan that I am. He was very grateful and I'm very excited to share the experience with him. Now if that was the end of my luck this morning it would be perfectly swell, heck it be gee willicker wonderful.....but wait there's more!!
As much as I enjoy Keane I love Howie Day even more (for those of you keeping track, my top 5 bands in existence are: 1. The Smashing Pumpkins (new album this fall!!!!!!smile politely!!!) 2. Those Melodic Jews known as Guster 3. You mean you've never heard of Except Saturday ( 4. Mr. Howard Day and of course number 5. William Hung).
Howie hasn't scheduled a tour this summer....but he is doing a private up close and personal Concert next week at the China Club. The ONLY way to win tickets: win off of PLJ. The problem is that one cannot win two contests in a month under the laws of the radio station. So I called my brother and got his social security # so I could pretend to be him if I got lucky. An hour later the tickets went up for grabs. You had to be caller 24 this time and name the amusement park in "National Lampoons Vacation", a question way too simple for someone like me. Now, work has been pretty crazy lately and I've been asking a nice young girl from another department to help out, and she's been doing a great job. Today I basically needed her all day so she was sitting right next to me when the tickets went up. I manned one phone, and gave her the other when it started to ring. I told her that if she got through to say "Wallyworld" and that I'd go with her to the show. Amazingly she got through!! They asked her the question again, I mouthed "Wallyworld", she said it (though it sounded like she asked it) and we won!!! She was so excited, having never won a radio contest before. I was about to faint. TWO contests to two shows I was dying to see IN THE SAME MORNING!!!!??? What are the odds of that?!?!?! BH!!! The only sad part was when she called her fiance, who likes Howie Day, and had to explain why she couldn't take him to the show (hey, fair is fair- she had no clue about Wally World). But he works nights so it's all good.
So in summation: Friday-Keane, Tuesday- Howie Day: The Hopeful Fool- One Lucky Son of a....couple of Jews.

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