Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Could My Life BEEE More Climactic Right Now?

Wooooooh boy! It seems that right now I have a row of fans lined up and a barrage of sh-- ready to hit them. On every level of my life (work, social, romantic, Mets, movies, family) there is so much going on, that I have absolutely no idea which of these aspects to address first, if at all. It seems after weeks of general insignificance that the the cars of my life all decided to cross the same intersection at once. And since many of the issues that are currently brewing have yet to be resolved I think that it will be better to just mention them briefly, and perhaps discuss them more in detail at a later date should they be resolved (and hopefully resolved happily). In the last two days I:
- Took a tramendous risk with my "dating" life that I truly hope pays off (though I must say that in no way do I think this risk was foolish).
- Took an equally humongous risk with my social life, which, of course, I truly hope pays off as well.
- Am preparing to make some big financial decisions.
- Almost got arrested (yes, by the police...or rather one jackass cop- No I didn't do anything wrong- otherwise I would have actually been arrested, but the experience wasn't pleasant nevertheless).
- Have had to endure the Yankees 9 game winning streak (but thankfully I had a great time watching the Mets crush the Reds 9-2 Shea last night with a whole bunch of my friends- including CIDER!! who I wish the best of mazel to on his return journey to the Land of Holes, where I'm sure he'll acquire the growth he seeks.)
- Have a crap load to do at work (including one major problem that is stressing me out big time)
- Don't know what I'm having for lunch.
- Am having issues with some members of my family (more extended family for the most part) that G-d willing should be resolved by the end of the day.
- Am supposed to organize a "Revenge of the Sith" screening for 8 members of my family (one of which is involved in the above tussle). And speaking of the Sith, I am feeling a lot life one right now as the frustration and anger are working their way towards hate, and rage. Fortunately I'm aware of what brings someone to the Dark Side and will try my hardest to curb my Sith-like emotions.
OK I think that's it. I hope that came off more like venting and less like complaining, because a few of these things have the potential to bring me a good deal of happiness- then again we are talking about my life here, so grains of salt and blee eyen horas all around (ok, now that can be taken as complaining...but I only did it to lead into this humorous banter juxtaposed against my own self, which I find quite funny even if you don't :).
So right now all I can say is OK TERRIFIC and hope (as I'm foolishly prone to doing) that all works out well.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Blee ayin hora. Good luck in every aspect.

I see, when life treats you well, you don't come visit me, what's up with that?

Tuesday, May 17, 2005  
Blogger Hopefool said...

Life treats me well? Where did you get that? There is plenty of possibility for "well", but it sure ain't happened yet. Getting cornered by a cop certainly isn't well in my book.

Also the last two days have been incredibly busy (as you may or may not know), but I promise I'll "Come Upstairs and Say Hello" later. (That was a "Keep It Together" reference for all you Gusterites out there.)

Wednesday, May 18, 2005  

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